Customer Appreciation Gift Reminder


Just a quick reminder.. you have a couple days left to enjoy this free gift with your purchase this week!

Shop HERE in my online Stampin' UP! store 24/7, and enjoy reduced pricing in the Clearance Rack, and 10% off of the World Card Making Day specials!


Customer Thank You Gift from Patty, Oct. 1 – 7, 2018


Customer Thank You Gift from Patty Bennett for online Stampin' UP! paper crafting purchases, valid on purchases Oct 1 - 7, 2018 at

Special Thank You gift from Patty Bennett:

Receive a packet with 6 pieces of Holiday themed designer paper from the Dashing Along Designer Series Paper pack, plus a package of Real Red Rhinestones!

1 package per person

Minimum Order of $50 (does not include the tax or shipping)

Order must be placed HERE in my online store to qualify.

Customer Thank You Gift and handmade card will be mailed around Mid-October


Pattystamps patty bennett stampin up demonstrator since 1995



Shop Online Anytime and Earn FREE STAMPS

SHOP and SAVE: Clearance RackPromotions

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4 thoughts on “Customer Appreciation Gift Reminder”

  1. I enjoy your blog and check it daily. I would like to win either of the bundles you are offering. Growing up on a farm with five siblings in Minnesota we didn’t dress up much for Halloween. It was great ready about your favorite memories.
    Judy, Merced, CA

  2. So enjoy watching your informative videos, always learn something. Thanks for sharing all your shortcuts etc. Would love to win the pretty chandelier stamps/dies.
    San Jose, CA

  3. Hi Patty, Bundle#2. Favorite memory is making my boys costumes every year. One year the oldest was Aladdin and the youngest was Aboo, the monkey. The middle one was Leonardo, a teenage mutant ninja turtle. Love the inspiration you give. Your videos and ideas are the best. Thanks, Doreen

  4. Hello Patty, I would love to win either bundle. I grew up in Kansas and it was usually cold and really windy on Halloween. My most vivid memory is when my mom dressed me up as a Hobo. I don’t know why but that was the best costume I can remember. I love your blogs, you are so talented.


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