New Stampin’ Up! Catalogs Available

2020 2021 Stampin Up catalogs available from Patty Bennett papercrafting and card making supplies online, and hundreds of card making ideas


Whohooo! You’ve been waiting for the New Stampin’ Up! Catalogs and they are here!!!  I’ve been working long hours to get them prepped and ready to mail to you!  My dear hubby took them out of all the shipping boxes and cut up all the cardboard for recycle, and I’ve got all the flyers and stickers ready for the catalogs!  I’ll be mailing them soon!

New 2020-2021 Stampin’ Up! Catalog starts June 3, 2020

Order early by joining my Luv 2 Stamp Group nation-wide team of Stampin’ Up! demonstrators… click here for more info.

New Stampin’ UP! Catalogs sent to:

  • My regular customers who have ordered $50 or more this year – no need to do anything – I will send one automatically
  • Any NEW customer who does not already have a demonstrator (if you work with a demonstrator, please ask them for your catalog)


Request a catalog IF:

  • You are new to me, do not have a demonstrator and would like to work with me as your Stampin’ UP! demonstrator – click here
  • You are a regular customer of mine who has MOVED recently – click here
  • You are one of my customers who has not ordered yet this year from me – click here


Stampin UP 2020 2021 catalogs available for customers! Papercrafting and cardmaking supplies available online.


Included in your catalog.. but you can download an extra:


Online store for paper crafting supplies:

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Join my Luv 2 Stamp Team of demonstrators – click for info

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14 thoughts on “New Stampin’ Up! Catalogs Available”

  1. Good morning Patty,
    WOW UPS man was busy at your house…lol…..I’m really anxious to get my catalog…. Hurry and mail mine,,,, jk…. lol…. Excited

  2. UPS drivers must really hate this time of year. The number of boxes they deliver significantly rises and those boxes are heavy. Good thing they are supplied with a hand truck, cause just lifting those boxes is hard without having to carry them to your door. It’s almost like the increase of packages before Christmas only those boxes weight all different amounts.

  3. I cant wait to receive my new catalog! It will be the highlight of my month! Thank you for all your hard work getting them out! I appreciate all you do.

    • It will take me about a week to get all of the stickers and flyers in these catalogs and get all the Priority Mailing Labels printed, so they should go out next week, and you should see it in your mailbox around the 22nd, or 23rd. That will give you about 2 weeks before it starts to get your shopping list ready!

  4. Hi Patty,
    Do you have card clubs monthly? Since we are not in the same state, can I attend monthly virtually if I place orders from you??

    • HI Cindy, Thank you for asking! I would love to have you join me on my FB live videos and enjoy the daily inspiration here on my blog and if I can help you with an order, I’d be happy to!! I do not offer a club, but my customers purchase the products they like after viewing all the projects on my blog.

  5. Who would EVER stalk Mr. Brown????

    Just curious, does he always have to get the dolly out when he stops at your house????

    Thanks for the chuckle here on the night shift at work!!!


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