3 Cheers and Happy New Year 2021!!
I am happy to think that 2020 has ended, and I am so looking forward to a New Year!
I pray that 2021 is kind to all of us, finds us healthy and happy and enjoying what we like to do best!
One thing I really did love about 2020 was having my hubby and son here! They worked from home about 8 months of the year. Our son came to live at home for most of the year. I have missed him when he’s not here and loved that he worked from home and spent time with us!
One thing I really MISSED about 2020 was traveling. Traveling to see new places. Traveling to see family and friends. Traveling to Stampin’ Up! events. We had 7 trips planned for 2020 and only got to go on one, in February, before the Shelter-at-Home restrictions were in place here in California.
OH and eating out in restaurants… Oh my goodness.. for those who know me well, you know that cooking is not a high priority on my list… we love to eat out.. so 2020 was quite an adjustment!
I’d Love to Hear from You:
Leave me a comment if you have time today, let me know something you enjoyed about 2020 and something you missed. What are you looking forward to in 2021?
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Good Morning Patty, from warm and humid Florida. It’s January, suppose to be a little cooler , Haa Haa
Well the 2020 year was a bit helter skelter. But we made our drive from Fl to Alaska. I was planned from early in 2019, so off we went with every piece of paper in the world ( it seemed), because we had to prove we were essentil to drive to our home in Ak. Whew. thought it would be so great to see all the critters along the way ( we have driven it 4 other times-loved it).
But those canadians stood fast, hurry up and get out of Canada. But we made it and had our summer, but was just hoping for a better trip through Canada. But did see 18 bear and 4 bull moose in one day. Have a great year. Horray for Stampin Up : – )
Good morning Patty,
There’s not much I enjoyed about 2020…. I’m in my house all day and night by myself anyways but I do love the quiet at times. Glad I have a job so I can be around people . Even as a receptionist I get a lot of wonderful compliments from the people I talk to which is very nice.I had one lady who sent in a pizza for me because she told me I was the best. Made me feel so good and I’m also getting flowers from a lady I never met . I only talk to her on the phone. She wanted the flowers as a surprise but she needed my last name…so they are coming this week .. What I missed was all the bus trips I had planned…. I still saw my family which is a blessing…HAPPY NEW YEARS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY
It has been a tough year. I miss spending time with my grandchildren, dining out with friends and stamping with fellow demos. I am blessed because none of my family or friends has gotten sick so far. I also miss traveling. I tend to be a homebody but sometimes it is good to get out of town and enjoy something new.
It has definitely been a tough year with Covid, but it has brought our families closer together. I’m in my 70s and am a 24/7 caregiver for my husband, so my daughters had been doing our grocery shopping for us. We are blessed to have both of them within 20 minutes from us. They taught me how to buy on Amazon and even just on the internet. (Hooray!!😀). But the bummer is that just the Monday before Christmas our family “bubble” was popped with a sister-in-law who tested positive for Covid with all the symptoms and exposed our granddaughter. So we are having our Christmas celebration 🎄🎄🎄 tomorrow on January 2.
Well, there’s one thing I have embraced is cooking more this year. We too love eating out but have not this year. So I went to my cooking comfort and have made many an Italian meal. Later this past year we have had one couple at a time at our house on the patio socially distanced, with friends who have stayed at home and were safe and wore masks when they were out. I’ve baked at whim any time of day, have been shopping online and of course on SU as well, lol. Our children are adults, 50 and 31 and live in Florida, one in Boynton Beach and the other in Orlando. We had them over for Thanksgiving and Christmas which was wonderful to have us all together. My son Who
Lives in Orlando works from his home for a hospital doing medical coding, so he was safe to come here and my daughter works in a safe environment in a medical spa so no worries about her coming home. I’ve stamped a lot and loved it. I will be happy to go out one day and enjoy restaurant eating again. For the time being we order food and pick it up curbside. We’ve hung out a lot on our patio sunning and relaxing as we are doing today as I write this. Patty, I have enjoyed your talent and look forward to many more of your wonderful ideas. As I’ve told you before, I have a Patty Bennett file where I keep your tutorials and ideas for reference. Love to you and your family for a safe and happy and healthy new year.
My husband starting working from home in March, and it looks like that will be permanent. I’ve enjoyed having him home and we are still speaking to each other,😉 I’ve always cooked, but COVID has made me a much better planner. I was always on the go, and thought nothing of running out to the grocery store to get whatever we felt like for dinner.
This extra time allowed me to complete quilts for four of our grandchildren. The fifth just arrived, so I’ll wait until she can tell what “theme” she’d like.
My mother passed away mid-December, so the holidays were different in many ways. Staying home has helped us focus on what’s really important, and allowed us time to take care of ourselves.
Thank you for sharing your creative ideas with us. The videos and posts are so helpful and are definitely something I look forward to.
Hi Patty,
Happy New Year!
What I enjoyed in 2020 was getting extra done around our place. Did some deep cleaning that was neglected (ignored?). I enjoyed making and finishing 3 scrapbooks.
What I missed was the spontaneous traveling. Last year we went out with friends wherever, whenever and did several one-day road trips! Obviously that didn’t happen. But Tim and I often drove the few miles to Lake Michigan. At one point, our friends said let’s do this or this. So we both drove, parked our cars together and talked through the windows. Often we did ice cream together. But missed traveling the most.
Happy you had your son and hubby around. Oh! I forgot this big one: “Due to COVID, our kids from England had to cancel their trip to visit us. 2 weeks were scheduled. That was heartbreak for me. Our 4—year-old Grandson, Caleb, was dearly missed!
Thanks for asking us these questions. *Something good can always come out of a negative experience!
The things I liked about 2020: Doing paper craft challenges gave me plenty of cards to send out for Christmas. Since we couldn’t travel, we could send well-wishes in the way of cards. I also liked that my wife had her hip replaced so in 2021 she’ll be pain free. I don’t like wearing my masks, but I do every time we go out of the house. It keeps us safe! What I missed about 2020: Traveling to see my mom for the last time. She is dying from Covid in a memory care facility. At least the dementia isn’t going to kill her. I’m thankful that my brothers and other family members will get to see her one last time before she dies, which will probably be days from now. I also missed seeing our friend here at home. We went out to dinner frequently with these friends. We have picked up food to bring it home only a handful of time in all of 2020, and I miss someone else cooking!
I really enjoyed watching You Tube videos from great SU demonstrators! I learned a lot this year.
Hello Patti!
I loved that we were forced to be with family more, that we were forced to study the Gospel at home individually and with family and close friends. It gave us time to value our families and rediscover what our priorities should be!
I did NOT like that I could NOT go home to California at Christmas to see my ailing parents!
I am grateful that none of my loved ones did not get Covid!
Thanks for all you do!
Loved working from home and not having to get dressed up with hair and makeup every day. Looking forward to more of a routine in life, need to make an effort to do the things I need to on a regular basis and feel accomplished. Grateful no one close to me got COVID and that we are safe.
I enjoyed nature, birds and the seasons, I enjoyed to be healthy and loved. and my family were healthy too I I missed human contact, my friends and meet with my friends for coffee or craft.
The thing that I liked about 2020 was being able to go to On Stage. which I didn’t do otherwise, the thing I didn’t like was going to my upline (Glad’s) except through Zoom.
I like the sheltering at home time to do more crafting and up the game a little. But, I did miss the traveling too.. we are pretty spontaneous so don’t plan far ahead, we just take off to some place interesting or fun!
I missed people – especially my people, my kids, my parents and physical contact. I was grateful to work for a company that let us work from home and allowed us to adjust schedules if needed even if the need was just to go for a walk.
I had so many things to be grateful for in 2020. I was able to work from home, had a roof over my head with food and electricity, was able to do my knee replacement surgery before they shut down elective surgeries, able to go on a few camping/boating and camping/motorcycle trips, able to go for walks and enjoy Mother Nature, but most of all my cancer went back to sleep.
I missed giving friends and family hugs and going out to eat.
My husband works for the FFA, and traveled 32 weeks out of the year,so I enjoyed him home also. I will have to readjust.