3 Cards with Embossing Folders

Stampin' Up! card idea featuring Quatrefoil Tile embossing folder and So Refreshing bundle, by Patty Bennett

Today I’m excited to share 3 different embossing folders with you, each used in the background of my So Refreshing floral cards!

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I’d love to hear which one of these 3 embossing folders is your favorite today!?  Quatrefoil Tile, Basics 3D embossing folder, or Painted Posies.  VOTE HERE in the comments!

Stampin' Up! card idea featuring Quatrefoil Tile embossing folder and So Refreshing bundle, by Patty Bennett


Above: using the Stampin’ Up! Quatrefoil Tile embossing folder, I embossed both the die cut pitcher from the So Refreshing Bundle, as well as the background.  I love the look of using the embossing folder on both pieces.

Below: this card features the cross hatch pattern from the Basics 3D embossing folder 3 pack.  I like the subtle texture it lends to this card!!  As I mentioned in THIS VIDEO, I die cut the pitcher from a scrap of watercolor paper I had left over from a previous project.


Stampin' Up! card idea featuring Basics 3-D embossing folder and So Refreshing bundle, by Patty Bennett

Wondering about that beautiful “blanket” below the picture?  CLICK HERE for more info in my previous video.

Stampin' Up! card idea featuring Basics 3-D embossing folder and So Refreshing bundle, by Patty Bennett


And our 3rd embossing folder background is from one of my favorites: Painted Posies embossing folder. It’s embossed with Lemon Lolly cardstock.. so pretty, so subtle and just the perfect background for this card!


Stampin' Up! card idea featuring Painted Posies embossing folder and So Refreshing bundle, by Patty Bennett

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All of these Stampin’ Up! products are available in my online Stampin’ Up! store, or by clicking any of the product photos at the bottom of this post.


Stampin' Up! card idea featuring Painted Posies embossing folder and So Refreshing bundle, by Patty Bennett


Remember.. please vote for your favorite… see link at the top of the post.

I love to read your comments!  To leave a comment Please CLICK HERE.

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30 thoughts on “3 Cards with Embossing Folders”

  1. Quatrefoil Tile is my favorite. Not only do I likethe Quatrefoil embossing folder the colors use are a favorite of mine. I enjoy how you showcased the colors together.

  2. So hard to choose, but the Quatrefoil is my favorite. It is unique and reminds me of the classic designs you see in antique wallpaper and tiles.

    • I like the Basics 3D Emboss Folder It gives the right accent/dimension to the pitcher without overpowering it

  3. I liked all of them but the posey background the best. The softer colors and using the dsp from Irresistible was great. Thanks so much for your wonderful ideas.

  4. I liked the Quatrefoil example best – which surprised me, because I like the Painted Posies folder a lot. As for using the same embossing folder for your diecut focal image — brilliant! Never thought of that. Toward the end, when you started talking about using vellum over the pitcher, I wondered if that would be reminiscent of the A & W frosted mug root beers. Sorry it didn’t work out.

  5. What we have to pick a favorite? – I loved them all. – “If” I had to choose though I’m leaning towards the Basic 3-D card because I just think it’s so bright and cheery looking.

  6. You’ve made this really hard to choose! Think I’m going with Painted Posies because I love everything about it. The soft colors, the greeting and all the pretty flowers. It’s perfect!

  7. I love the Painted Posies… didn’t see it before until I saw your card .. it’s so beautiful!! I am buying that one!!

    • Hi Rene, it is a standard size card and all the layers are dies noted in the supplies, so i didn’t include measurements. Standard base is 4-1/4″ x 11″. All others are the dies.


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