Heading to ALASKA thanks to Stampin’ Up!

Today we are joining fellow Stampin' Up! Cruise Achievers for a FREE Cruise to Alaska!!

Thank you to each of my wonderful customers and my Luv 2 Stamp Group who help to make my business so strong and help me to earn this great – I mean FABULOUS – reward each year!! 

If I can get a good internet connection on the ship, I'll be blogging from Alaska .. if not, I've got cards and other posts ready here for you while we are gone.. so check back when you have time.

MY CUSTOMER CRUISIN' SPECIAL:  FREE NEW 2011/2012 STAMPIN' UP! IN-COLOR INK PADS for my customers… place an online order of $50 or more while I'm gone and I will send you your choice of a new Stampin' Up! In Color Ink Pad in July!!  One free ink pad for EACH $50 order this week!!  Orders must be placed online here – deadline, midnight, May 27, 2011. Your chioce of In Color ink pad – shipped in Early July.

I've seen one of the new In Colors and it's fabulous!!

  Passport case

Passport case 2 Stampin' Up! always has fun surprises in store for us on each trip.. this darling passport & ticket case was sent to us a couple weeks ago with luggage tags, name tags, intinerary, etc. .. so fun!!! 

I am looking forward to sharing all the highilghts with you .. check back when you have time, and I'll blog whenever I have a good connection!

Until then, happy stampin' friends!


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May National Scrapbooking Month 30% OFF SALE

Strength & Hope Campaign


Clearance Rack … Limited quantities.. shop now

Signature spring-001

       Shop  online anytime!!

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3 thoughts on “Heading to ALASKA thanks to Stampin’ Up!”

  1. Have a wonderful time Patty! It is a trip that I have always wanted to take.
    Next year my goal is to earn the trip so I can be there with you and all the others.
    Monika Davis


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