Just a few shots from this week in my garden… my roses have gone CRAZY this year (wooohooo!) and I have been enjoying (OK, LOVING) taking photos of them at different times of the day to capture a range of shadows, backgrounds and lighting effects.
This is from one of my new bushes this season,
Double Delight.
It has a gorgeous yellow/cream center and white petals with pink and red at the edges.. wow… LOVE this new one!
Here is a cool shot an hour or so after the rain stopped.. same gorgeous Double Delight bush, different bloom. Wow.. I’m just in awe of the beauty God creates in my garden!
I’ve cut 4 bouquets of flowers so far in the past 3 weeks to enjoy inside the house… here is one of them… wish this blog had "smell o vision" so you could enjoy the lovely fragrance!
Hi Patty! What GORGEOUS flowers — I am envious!!! Nothing like that growing here yet!!! Best wishes on your new Blog — it’s looking very nice. I’d love to start one, too. I think it would be so much fun, but other committments keep me from doing that right now. I plan to start more towards the end of summer. Again, best wishes — it’s looking great!
You amaze me! A talented stamper, photographer, wife and mother and you have time to blog! Wow! Thank you for sharing with all of us at Utterly Awesome and sharing the beauty of your garden! Blessings to you!