Flip Book Album instructions

I know many of you are enjoying the Flip Book Album photos I’ve been sharing here… and I wanted to let you know that I learned how to make the album from Chiaki Haverstick.  She has some really awesome tutorials (Idea Sheets) on her website!  The instructions for the Flip Book Album can be found here.

And what is THIS crazy project you ask?


Handouts for my upcoming Luv 2 Stamp Group meeting next Saturday! Only 208 more copies to go…  So watch for fun meeting photos to be shared after our meeting!! It’s gonna be SO fun!

3 thoughts on “Flip Book Album instructions”

  1. I watched a program on hgtv of Carol Duvall
    and the flip photo, and I can’t seem to get the instructions for it. Do you have anything similar? Please email me if you have anything like it.


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