WANTED with an Uninked Spectrum Pad

Check out what I’m working on tonight…….


I inked my own Spectrum pad from Stampin’ Up! (find it here) and used it to ink the WANTED stamp from the Wanted set.  I always scribble with my markers first to see if I like the color combo before inking an empty Spectrum pad with the ink refill bottles.  The colors I used:

Close to Cocoa, Really Rust, Creamy Caramel, Bordering Blue, Ruby Red

I took the color suggestions from the Outlaw Designer Series Paper.  I positioned the stamp so that it would get the 4 colors on the left of the pad.  I LOVE all this western stuff!!  You’ll have to wait until after my Luv 2 Stamp Group meeting on Saturday to see the finished card.. it will be my swap.  Yeee Haw!!

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