Bright Delights Rub-on Class part 2

I previously shared card #1 with a video tip HERE from our Bright Delights Rub-Ons class last week.. here are 2 more cards we made:

Delight card 


The Bright Delight Rub-ons come in full color and are on pg 172 in the catalog.

I told everyone in class that these cards look just like my bedroom when I was in Jr. High… orange, yellow, brown and green… WHAT was I thinking? 🙂

Signature hybiscus

6 thoughts on “Bright Delights Rub-on Class part 2”

  1. Patty, and who knew those colors would come back in style! Our kitchen when I was growing up was those colors, if nothing it was very VERY bright!

  2. I had to laugh when you said your bedroom was these colors… My bedroom had orange walls – probably about Pumpkin Pie color, with dark green carpeting. I LOVED it! What were we thinking? We were thinking that we were COOL! 🙂
    Jayne S.

  3. Love how you did this one- really cute card. When I was growing up our kitchen had HUGE yellow, orange & brown flowers all over the wallpaper with harvest gold fridge & stove- right next to the olive green living room-LOL.


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