Top Note Die Tip with Window Plastic template – VIDEO

This was one of the 5 proejcts we made in my Bright Delights Rub On class last week:

Top note card 

I used the Stampin’ Up! Thick Window Sheet plastic (#114324, pg 10 of the Occasions Mini) and the Top Note Die to make a template for sponging the edge of the Top Note Die cut. I made a video to show how I did the Kiwi Kiss sponging around the top edge of the Top Note Die.. you can view the video here:

Hope that was helpful!

Signature hybiscus

40 thoughts on “Top Note Die Tip with Window Plastic template – VIDEO”

  1. Thanks for the great tip! I made 3 of your cards yesterday and ended up putting a Kiwi Top Note under the white Top Note, but I love your tip. I did decide to order all of the window sheets and they will be here tomorrow. Yeah, can’t wait to try out your tip. Thanks for the video. I am so much the visual learner.

  2. That was a brilliant idea! I dropped everything and cut out a template. This will be so much faster than ‘precision sponging’. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Great tip Patty, I wondered how you would be able to cut out a layer on the back, in the exact proportion to the Top Note Die, unless you had a ‘slightly larger” top Note Die. Now I see your fabulous creative mind working here, and making it easy for us.

  4. Another great tip Patty. Oh yes…I would definitely need to mark which side is “UP” just for me because I would probably be the first one to smear ink all over my project!

  5. Wow Patty that’s amazing now I know what your sales are so great and you win all these trips….You are a great demonstrator with a vast amount of knowledge….Thanks so much for sharing with us!

  6. Fabulous tip! I enjoyed watching your video this morning. Now, you’re in my home and I get to watch you! Great job!

  7. Patty thanks for this great idea. I used it at my workshop last night. My mom has the big shot and my window sheets hadn’t been open yet and were ok–not smokey smelling surprisingly. Felt like I at a little wow to show thanks to you.

  8. I’m just seeing this today, Patty…great tip! I just got my package last week, and haven’t had a chance to play yet. Now I’ll have one idea to re-use the lining paper. I hate to throw stuff away, but I can’t always come up with good ideas myself, lol. So thanks for the great green tip! -Betsy Z

  9. So now that you have the plastic cut, it will serve you on many projects, right? I suppose the plastic sheet is a good pick, and durable. I dont have any of these and wondering what other materials I might use from my stash of EVERYTHING ELSE that might work. Thinking on it! Thanks for this great tutorial, as usual!


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