I thoroughly enjoyed working in my garden for about an hour yesterday… and the reward was this beautiful bouquet I picked to enjoy inside the house!
My lilies are finally blooming.. I think I have some red ones blooming next..
LOVED this rose.. so lovely…
and I cracked myself up… I was playing with Photoshop and turned it into a white rose!!
I guess if a person really knew WHAT they were doing with Photoshop they could make any color rose with only one photo! someday… someday.. I'll have time to really explore what Photoshop is capable of without figuring it out by mistake! LOL
heehee.. and I guess if you wanted a bouquet of just yellow and white all you have to do is Photoshop out the red…
OK, I'll stop… this is just way too entertaining! 🙂
Hope your day is going great!
You have such pretty roses – I love seeing them, thanks so much for sharing them with us. Great pictures of them too.
Patty, your flowers are absolutely beautiful! When do you have time to stamp when you apparently spend a lot of time in the garden
Hi Patty!
Truly gorgeous!
Hilarious about the Photoshop-ing your flowers!
Patty, I can smell the roses here in San Diego! I LOVE your Flowers/Roses…I miss mine everytime I see yours. I only have a few left from the 16 rose bushes we started out with. HMMM!! LOVE the WHITE one and too funny!
Absolutely beautiful!
Wow, your flowers are gorgeous, as always. I just LOVE your roses, they bring back such great memories of my beautiful roses in Georgia…
Thank you for sharing your flowers. I love seeing them!!! 😀
awesome!!! Northwest IA was a high of 71 today – my peas aren’t even blooming! OH Well! So happy you share you beautiful flowers with us to brighten our day!!!
Patty, your garden was be spectacular as this bouquet is absolutely beautiful. That rose is perfect in every way. Thanks for sharing!
Gorgeous flowers and facinating what can be done with Photoshop, I have it but find it very complicated, but you did a grand job.
What a wonderful garden you must have?
I absolutely love all your bouquets.
Thank you for sharing these pictures, I could watch tons more of them:-))
hugs Melanie
Patty that is amazing your flowers are beautiful even the photo shopped ones. If I send you a picture of chubby ole me can you make me skinny? Just kidding I am working on making less of me by convention. I have lost 10 pounds and only have about 100 pound yet to loose. So hard when you get over 50 but I have been swimming daily and watching my diet better. I do already feel better.
Debi Pippin