Today my sweet hubby and I are celebrating our 26th wedding anniversary!!! Really hard to believe.. where did the years go??
LAST YEAR on our 25th anniversary, I meant to post a photo of us from our wedding and then 25 years later… well, i'm embarassed to say that my life is so busy that i never got around to that… so… a year later.. here we go…
Eric and Patty Bennett, wedding day, June 28, 1986
Sheraton Pleasanton courtyard, Pleasanton CA, 6/28/86
Eric's dad is a Lutheran Minister and he's performed the wedding ceremonies for all 5 of his kids and all of his married grandkids, and baptized them all, too! So special!
and 25 years later…
I love you, Honey.. here's to 26 more years…
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June-a very busy month with both birthday and anniversary. Happy Anniversary and more to come.
Happy 26th Anniversary! Wow! 26 years. That is wonderful. Cheers 🙂
Sweet!! Happy Anniversary!!! Have a fantastic celebration!!
Congrats on 26 years! Hope you do something special.
Happy Anniversary and many more. You are as beautiful today as the day you were married. Enjoy you special day!
Congratulations!! Here’s to many many more
Loverly !! Thanks for sharing your special days with us. Congratulations on 25 years of Love and Marriage and I know you will be enjoying many, many more 🙂
That is so awesome in this day! CONGRATULATIONS.
Awww…Happy Anniversary Patty! Wishing you both many more years of happiness.
Happy Anniversary to you both! Still a beautiful bride and handsome groom – good looking couple! Wishing you a happy one!
Barbara Diane
Happy Anniversary!!!!!
Happy Anniversary!!! How cute!! You don’t look a lot different!! Same hairstyle and still pretty!! Congrats making it that many years!!
Happy Anniversary! So sweet!
Awwwwww! Congratulations 🙂
Congratulations to you and Eric Patty, and many blessings for the next 26! It’s true what they say – ain’t love grand!
Wishing you both a Very Happy Anniversary and many more to come! Thank you for sahring your day with me! Hugs always! G
Very belated Happy Anniversary Wishes! These are fabulous pictures….I don’t look at our wedding album often but when I do it brings back such warm memories of that extremely special day…..going on 42 years this November….sigh!
Congrats Eric and Patty!!!
Happy Anniv. You had a Beautiful dress! Happy Day to you both!
You two were a cute couple back then, but are gorgeous now! Must be all of the love. 🙂 Congratulations!