New Catalog Swap contest winners!

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At each of our Luv 2 Stamp Group meetings or events we have a card swap.  We each make about 35 cards, bring them and swap with everyone at the meeting.  At lunch time we vote for our favorite cards.  I also encourage all of my long distance downline to particpate by mailing in their cards for me to swap and send back to them.  Usually only about 4 of 5 of them send in cards, and this time, one of the winners was one of the long distance swaps!! whohooo!

Swap contest winners
It was a 3 way tie for the winner!

Left: Nancy Baladad, Center: me standing in for Gloria Plunkett (long distance) and Right: Sharon Howard

CONGRATS to the winners!

Their prizes were Eric's fun Mister Holders filled with Stampin' Up! products!

  Mister holder prizes

Mister holder prizes 2

Here are their gorgeous cards!

Below: Nancy Baladad's card featuring the NEW IN COLORS

Nancy swap winner

Below: Sharon's card featuring the Postage Due stamp set

Sharon swap winner

Below: Gloria's beautiful card

Gloria swap winner

Enjoy your day, and check back for more meeting photo in the week to come.


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4 thoughts on “New Catalog Swap contest winners!”

  1. These were among my most favorites as well…sorry I was not there to congratulate the on-site winners. Congratulations to you all!

  2. Oh WOW!!! The winning cards are absolutely beautiful — congrats ladies!! But even more, I love, love, love what you won!! What an awesome prize, and beautifully presented in the cello bags using the new ribbon and labels edgelits/tags. And so lucky, lucky duckies to get one of your husband’s Mister Holders. Yep, I’m drooling!! Happy late anniversary Patty!


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