OK.. time flies… yep, you've heard it a million times.. but IT DOES!!
Today is the start of my 20th year with Stampin' Up! Can you believe it – yesterday was the end of 19 years and today starts my 20th year.. wow!? Seems like a couple years ago that I called Sandy and said "Sign me Up!" 🙂
<< This was us in 1995 about 6 months after I joined Stampin' Up!
"Way back when" Stampin' Up! didn't have a website, no online ordering, no online catalog, we had to call in or fax in our orders!!! ONE lady answered the phones for Stampin' Up! (anyone else remember Lynnie?).
Yep times have changed!!
I would love to celebrate all year long and I am kicking off my 20th year with FREE GIFTS FOR YOU!!!
I LOVE the new Stampin' Up! 2014 – 2016 In Color Collection, and I thought you might enjoy some FREE IN COLOR MARKERS – Oh and some FREE IN COLOR CARDS too!
HOW TO REDEEM your FREE In Color product offer from Patty:
1. Anytime: Redeem the coupon in your catalog from me for 10 free In Color Cards and envelopes with your first $50 new catalog order by emailing me to say you've placed your first online order from this catalog and would like to redeem your coupon for your free cards and envelopes!
2. THIS WEEK ONLY (June 22 to 28) receive FREE IN COLOR MARKERS from Patty when your order is $100 or more. Just email me to say you've placed your order and would like the markers mailed to you! {pattystamps@comcast.net}
(and don't forget to record your orders on your Free Stamps with Patty form!)
And did you know… when you purchase the In Color Cardstock and Ink Pad kit bundle (pg 179) you are really only paying .20 cents for 20 sheets of cardstock! WHAT A GREAT DEAL! Order yours here today! or add it to your order using this code: 133673
Thank you for helping me celebrate and for your continued support of my business!!
Have you thought about joining Stampin' Up!? I'd love to have you join my team!
Need a new 2104 Stampin' Up! catalog?
Place your Stampin' Up! orders in my online store.
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Hey Patty!!
I remember Lynnie!! I’m coming up to my 20 year anniversary, too!!
Twenty years! How awesome! Congratulations 🙂
Congrats on 20 years with SU!, Patty! I’m almost at 11 years. I so love visiting your blog.
I remember Lynnie, too! Such a nice lady… Congrats on 20 YEARS, Patty!
Congrats on 20 years!
I was a demonstrator many years ago (my demonstrator number was in the low 200’s!). I’m guessing that was around 1988? I only stayed with it for a few years though!
Wow! You haven’t changed a bit! Congrats! I’ve been with SU for 13 years now. Doesn’t seem like it for sure!
Thanks for everything that you do and share! You ROCK!
Congratulations! Love the family picture.
Congratulations on your 20 years! I am 10 years this July!! Thanks for sharing what you love!! Love your blog!
Congratulations Patty on 20 years!!! You are the best and you haven’t changed one bit! My you have 20 more years to come.