The Anatomy of a Paper Share

I am so excited to hear how much you enjoy the paper shares I offer with each new catalog!  Thank you to everyone who joined my 2016 Occasions Catalog Paper Share for samples of the new Stampin' Up! paper!

If you participated by ordering before Jan. 5th, you should have received your packet by now, or you should be getting it sometime this week!

This paper share was promised to go out by January 23rd, but on January 14th I realized that postage for the Priority Mailers was going up by .70 cents each on Sunday, Jan. 17th, so I decided to work like a crazy person and get all 160 packages out by the 16th!!  Yes, It Was Crazy!  But, it would have been an extra $112 out of my pocket for increased postage, so it was worth being a crazy lady for 2 days! 🙂

Many of you have asked about the timing and how it all works.. so here is my Paper Share Story..

Stampin' UP! Occasions catalog paper share by Patty Bennett at

Or if you want the Cliff Notes version:

Advertise, order, cut, package, mail. 

Ya, that sounds easier. 🙂


My recommendation.. have some helpers.. next time I need to hire some helpers.  I was so thankful for a couple hours of help from my hubby and son this time!!


Yes, it's truly a crazy week to 10 days of nothing but paper and Paypal, but I am always so encouraged by your positive feedback so I have offered this service for several years now.

Here is my hope.. after you see all the amazing samples of paper in your packet, you are going to fall in love with a few of them and you are going to plan all of the fun projects in your head that you can't wait to create!!  There is just nothing better than holding all those samples in your hand to get ideas going.. right!?

So now that you've received your packet and fallen in love with a few of the designs, color combos, etc., you can click any of the photos below to order full packs of those papers online!



Need a catalog? Please allow me to send you one if you don't already have a demonstrator!  Leave me a comment or send me an email;

patty bennett stampin up demonstrator pattystamps


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7 thoughts on “The Anatomy of a Paper Share”

  1. Good morning Patty, Well almost lunchtime……… I can’t imagine doing all this in a few days and 160, TOTALLY AWESOME…..I know EVERYONE APPRECIATES all the HARD WORK you do for us. You always amaze me and I’m so very glad I found you and I do believe I found you first on FB….. Keep up the GREAT work Patty,,,,,,, Oh BYW we have about 1 1/2 ft. of snow in Pa. and it’s not to let up till late tonight and it’s coming down hard…. YEAH,,, making cards for the next few days. Have a great weekend and again THANK YOU

  2. Wow!! I received my share and have just admired all of it – haven’t used any yet. I bet you were exhausted after cutting, labeling, packaging, etc….. Great Job!!

  3. Hi Patty,
    I received the paper share, and want to thank you for all you do for all of us. Can you believe the amount it would have cost you to send paper after the price went up? That is terrible. I always wonder how you get it all done. I wish I lived closer and I would be so happy to help you. Thank you once again. You are just amazing!!
    Best wishes,

  4. I am so happy that you put so much hard work into doing these shares for us. It’s a great way to have all of the paper at a low cost. Thank you and your husband and son as well!

  5. Wow, that’s a lot of paper to cut. Great job. I was wondering though, what brand is that paper cutter you use to cut the stacks of paper with? It would sure come in handy preparing for a large class with lots of CS to cut. I’ve got a Carl Cutter, but am very interested it the one you are using.


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