Patty’s Flower Garden


One of the most frequent subjects I get asked to blog about is my garden… it's in full bloom right now and I thought I'd share a few photos I've taken this month!  I love my garden.. I inherited that from my mom I think.  It gives me peace and reminds me of all the beauty God has created in our world.  I love all the color and the beauty in the mix of all the flowers.  I grow roses, alstromeria, geraniums and hydrangea with some success.  This year my Bougainvillea finally bloomed, which was nice, and now I'm waiting for my trumpet vine to come into bloom!!


Easter lily and geranium in bloom in Patty's garden - June 2018

Above: my crazy Easter Lily finally bloomed in June 🙂

Hydrangea in bloom in Patty's garden - June 2018

Above: beautiful blue hydrangea

For those who don't know, we live in the San Francisco Bay Area about 1 mile from the bay, so I do think that the perfect mix of fog, cool, rain, warm, sun and heat are really what help my flowers grow.  I feed them once a month, water them a few times a week, and talk to them often. 🙂

Gemini rose bush in bloom in Patty's garden - June 2018

Above: Gemini rose in the sunset light

Alstromeria in bloom in Patty's garden - June 2018

Above: purple and white alstromeria in wood planters

Yellow rose in bloom in Patty's garden - June 2018

Above:  gorgeous yellow roses… before the heat this week fried them 🙁

Hydrangea in bloom in Patty's garden - June 2018

Above: huge hydrangea in a pot… it's happy under the shade of 2 huge liquid amber trees

Bouquet of roses and alstromeria from Patty's Garden, June 2018

Above: a bouquet I cut for myself on Friday

I hope you enjoyed that!! 

We'll get back to stampin' stuff tomorrow. 🙂



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27 thoughts on “Patty’s Flower Garden”

  1. Just beautiful, Patty. Thanks for sharing your garden pictures with us. I’m inspired to get outside and work in mine.

  2. Your flowers are just gorgeous!! I always try to grow roses, but never have much luck. We have alot of bugs in PA and they love my roses, but my hydrangrea are doing great this year! Happy Sunday!

  3. Hi Patty,
    Thank you so much for sharing your GORGEOUS flowers… You swam to have the perfect weather for them to grow so beautiful…My Rose’s look bad as soon as they bloom, black spots and I’ve used miracle grow on them. I water my flowers every night that we dont get rain because of the heat…. Yours flowers are gorgeous. Have a great day

  4. I have been missing seeing your beautiful garden – thank you for sharing!! I am super jealous. I love flowers, and even if I could plant such gorgeous things here, the resident deer would make sure it would never look half as good as yours because it would be their personal buffet line. So I have to live vicariously through yours! 🙂

  5. Oh, my, Patty, sometimes there are just no words to express something as beautiful as your lovely
    flowers. Just fantastic, and that does not even begin to cover it. Have a wonderful week ahead.
    Thanks for sharing. I love, love flowers.
    Best wishes,

  6. I am still in a lovely botanical trance after viewing your award winning (they MUST be) flowers. I live “just down the street” from you in San Jose and am now motivated to get MY garden in order.
    Thanks for sharing,

  7. What a beautiful garden – just looking at your beautiful pictures made me happy! Thanks for sharing since I can’t grow most of those flowers in hot Arizona.

  8. You Bay Area rose lovers might consider checking out the antique roses at Roses of Yesterday and Today in Corralitos, between Aptos and Watsonville in Santa Cruz County. Stop at the Corralitos market on the way back for some of their famous sausages, Santa Cruz County wines, olive oils and Gizdich Ranch pies.

  9. Wow, gorgeous! We moved last year and I’ve built up a couple of border gardens. But primarily relying on pots for color. Ah, someday I hope to have half the gorgeous gardens you do.

  10. OMG Patty!!! I would never get anything done if I had a garden like that!!! I would be sitting in the garden all day long, imprinting the beauty into my brain!!! So beautiful!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  11. Patty, your flower gardens are oh soooo beautiful!! I would love to see the whole flower gardens at a wider view. They look picture perfect!! You need to bring your green thumb to my house!!! Thank you for sharing. Enjoy them.

  12. Thank you for showing us your flower garden. You have the most beautiful flowers. Speaking as soneone who has a very black thumb ( almost killed my rhubarb twice!) i really enjoy seeing all the flowers. I live in a semi arid climate, so the colours of summer aren’t as plentiful!


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