Easter Sunday

Happy Easter 2021. Wisteria from Patty's garden.


The flowers in my garden remind me that spring is here! It also reminds me that I am so very blessed, and we are Wishing you a Happy Easter! We are so blessed to have the assurance of eternal life!

May you feel God’s eternal love and many blessings today!


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23 thoughts on “Easter Sunday”

  1. Patty, thank you so much for your kindly words about Eastern!
    May the Lord bless you too !

  2. Happy Easter ,
    God has risen .. May he bless you always … He took our sins so we could be set free … God Bless you and your family

  3. Easter is my favorite holiday of the year for many reasons. The main reason is the celebration of life. Our Savior loves us enough that He chose to come to Earth and ultimately atone for all of our sins and because of that we have been given the gift of Eternal Life. Happy Easter! Happy Spring!

  4. May God bless you and your family and friends on this wonderful day. As an Eastern Orthodox Christian our Easter is next Sunday! Just how the calendars work I guess! We are just beginning our Holy Week. So it’s all the same season really!! Blessings to you!

  5. Hey Patty, some time ago you talked about your craft room chair that you love.

    could you tell us again where you purchased it? Thanks so much

  6. Patty, hoping your Easter was filled with chocolate smiles and jellybean grins! Trust it was a BEAUTIFUL DAY to celebrate the miracle of our Lord! Blessings today and in the days ahead! SMILES from Madison, WI! :-))))))))))))


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