Celebrating 6,000 Blog Posts!

6,000 blog posts at pattystamps.com Years of card making, stamping and crafting inspiration by Patty Bennett


So, I kind of can’t believe it, and on the other hand I kind of can … 6,000 blog posts, wow… that is a TON of years of crafting, stamping, creating and sharing Stampin’ Up! projects with you here on my blog!

Let’s celebrate 6,000 blog posts (and over 66,000 photos) on my blog!! whohoo!!

Check in tomorrow for a BLOG CANDY giveaway!


Online store for paper crafting supplies: www.MyStampOrder.com

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22 thoughts on “Celebrating 6,000 Blog Posts!”

  1. What an incredible achievement! Your tips/tricks/videos are so helpful. Thank you for sharing your ideas and techniques. We are better stampers because of it.

  2. You are an amazing demonstrator who shares so much. Thank you from a fellow demonstrator (hobby) for your continued inspiration.

  3. Congratulations, that’s awesome! I am a demonstrator, though I don’t do it as a business. I share my cards with friends and family. Thank you so much for your sharing your inspiration and PDF’s to help us out!

  4. Patty I’ve been following from the beginning! You are so talented and
    It has been fun! Thanks for all you do for our stamping community!

  5. We loved Valentine’s Day at school. We had the shoeboxes that everyone put cards in for you. Therefore everyone got valentines. Great fun opening them all at home.🏡


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