Luv 2 Stamp Group meeting presentations – pt 1

We enjoyed 7 presentations at our Luv 2 Stamp Group meeting last weekend… I'll be sharing some of the highlights over the  next few days… here is part 1…

Kendall led us in a group Make & Take.. we made this adorable flip album:


My downline received the instructions.. this is a perk for being a part of my group.


The project below on the right is also one of these cute albums…

 DSC03774 copy

Here is how it looks when open:

DSC03793 copy 

Our 2nd presentation was by Vinnie.. she showed us tips for using the BUILDER WHEELS (you can find these on pg 8 and 9 of the Summer Mini catalog… don't have a catalog? Let me know!)  and we made a cute Fancy Favor Box die project with the Big Shot and the Builder Wheels… 

This project featured the 3 cell jumbo ink cartridged inked in Real Red, So Saffron and Pacific Point!  Fun to start using returning In Colors! (I broke out my stash of retired In Colors for a couple of the projects).

Builder wheel box die

 Stay tuned for part 2 of our meeting projects and presentations tomorrow 🙂

2 days left to enter the FABULOUS 50 FRIDAY CONTEST!

  50 bday girl
Need new catalog-SM

Sweet pea sig 2

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