My New Stampin’ Up! Recognition Pin Board

I’m so happy that I got this task done!!  I ran out of room on my pretty board about a year ago, and finally bought a new larger board to display my Recognition Pins from Stampin’ Up!

Here is my new Recognition Pin board!!


Patty's Stampin' Up! Recognition Pin Board with room to grow! Trips, Sales, Leadership, anniversaries, convention pins and more! Stampin' Up! demonstrator since 1995.


I left room to add more Incentive Trip pins and Sales Milestone Pins at the top!  The pins at the bottom are older style recognition pins from 2003 to 2015. 

My Stampin’ Up! demonstrator journey began in June 1995, so I have been a demonstrator for almost 26 years!  I LOVE creating and sharing my papercrafting projects with you each day here on my blog, on social media, through my newsletters and when possible, in person 🙂  I recently surpassed the $2.3 million sales milestone, and earned my 19th incentive trip last fall! 

This was the board I had used for about 10 years, and just ran out of space!

Patty's Stampin' Up! Recognition Pin Board! Trips, Sales, Leadership, anniversaries, convention pins and more! Stampin' Up! demonstrator since 1995.


Thank you to each of you who share this fun journey with me each day!!  I always appreciate your sweet comments!!


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18 thoughts on “My New Stampin’ Up! Recognition Pin Board”

  1. Way to go Patty! You are an inspiration to all of us. I have no doubt you will meet every goal you set for yourself❤️

  2. Beautifully done Patty. Your so organized. Congratulations on all your accomplishments. Happy for you.

  3. You should be so proud of that board of pins and your accomplishments Can you imagine how many lives you have influenced and people you have inspired Be proud!!! God Bless You

  4. How fun to see all your pins in one place! Congratulations!! You are such an inspiration to us all!

  5. Amazing what accomplishment awards you have won. People don’t get to see that too often. Still going strong. Congratulations. 👏

  6. Congratulations on all your recognition. You deserve them. You need a wall just to display all your boards. I enjoy all you share with everyone.

  7. Hello Patty
    I have asked you before on how I can become a demonstrator in Sweden.
    Want to know everything about it since I love crafting so much that I want to work with it.

    Please let me know how to become one and the rules of it.

    Åsa Brunnberg

  8. AWESOME Achievements! LOVE watching your videos and all your coloring techniques, and sharing your organizing tips and combining products to make your masterpieces. SO MUCH FUN to watch you! Thank you for sharing! Only wish I had found YOU 23 years ago to join your team! ALL the very best and continued success!


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