Celebrating 3 Million Sales Milestone with Stampin’ Up!

You may remember last month Eric and I went to Utah to enjoy an amazing celebration at the Stampin’ Up! home office with other million sales achievers!  I was celebrating $3 million in personal career sales!


Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah with Patty & Eric Bennett, Shelli and Sara

Stampin’ Up! celebrated us for over 3+ days in the home office and also with an outing to Sundance, UT (see this post).

Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah with demonstrator support

Above & Below: chatting with and thanking the Demo Support staff for their hard work in supporting thousands of demonstrators!!

Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah with demonstrator support & Rett

Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah with Patty & Eric Bennett, Shelli and Sara

Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah touring distribution center

Above & Below: We enjoyed hearing more about the distribution center and how the orders are picked and packed and shipped!

Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah touring distribution center

One night we were treated to an amazing Mexican food meal and then we played music bingo after dinner.. I won a Stampin’ UP! kit!

Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah winning a kit playing Music Bingo

Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah with acheiver group, Shelli and Sara

Above: the group of achievers who attended this event: Sherron, Lisa, Diana, Sharon, (Sara / Shelli), me, Carol, Brandy, Evelyn, Shari. There were a couple other million sales achievers from the past year who were unable to attend.

Thank you Stampin’ Up! for an amazing trip, the fabulous food, the presentations at the home office, all the treats, and feeling so very special!!

Stampin Up! Million Sales achiever celebration Riverton Utah with Patty & Eric Bennett, Shelli and Sara

Stampin’ Up! Million Achiever disclaimer: Reaching this milestone is not typical for Stampin’ Up! demonstrators. Fewer than 1% of demonstrators actually achieve this extraordinary result.

After this trip I also achieved the $3.1 million personal sales milestone, and Stampin’ Up! sent me recognition pins!!

Patty Bennett $3 million milestone achiever with Stampin' Up! personal sales

Thank you for being a part of my Stampin’ UP! demonstrator journey!  If you are one of my customers, thank you for being a part of my $3.1 million in sales!!

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10 thoughts on “Celebrating 3 Million Sales Milestone with Stampin’ Up!”

  1. Congratulations Patty. WOW, 3.1 million! I am enjoying my Stampin’ Up products. Thank you for all that you do for your customers.

  2. Looks like so much fun!! I’m glad that SU appreciates and celebrates
    The hard work of their demonstrators!! You’re the best Patty!!

  3. Congratulations on your HUGE achievement!!! You certainly deserve the recognition!
    You’re one of the hardest-working demonstrators I follow.
    Thank you for all your outstanding videos & tips!

  4. Patty,

    Congratulations! How exciting. Am so Thankful and Blessed to have you as my demonstrator. Thank you for sharing all the wonderful tips & tricks with us. What an amazing accomplishment. How amazing and fun. Love the pictures Patty.


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